Monday, June 21, 2010

What A Day

Today was our first day of work. Was kind of crazy. Lots of people that needed help. And with it being our first day working, we were not as organized and efficient as we would have liked. Live and learn. We will do better tomorrow. But we were able to see and treat around 300 people today. Praise the Lord. We worked in a very remote village today. Took about 2 hours to drive there on a very rough road out in the bush. This is probably one of the only times that some of these people will be seen by a physician. Hopefully that is not the case, but a possible reality.

Lots of children. Both to be seen and just to play with. Your students did an awesome job playing with the children. They all worked very well together and did an awesome job picking up the slack from each other when someone needed a break.

We say some very real realities about our world today. Some very serious situations and circumstances that these people face everyday. It is very hard to comprehend that these people walk as far as they walk, live the way that they live, and do without the things that we consider basic rights. Our kids were able to help the doctors and nurses with medical which was very cool to see. You have some awesome kids. Janelle and I are blown away by there willingness and eagerness to just be used in whatever capacity.

God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. We are ready to work tomorrow. We hope that we can create a better process to be most effective and helpful to these people. Please continue to pray for our safety. Pray for the people that we see and interact with. Pray we are witnesses to Christs love.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so so much for sharing. It is touching and humbling to hear what goes on. I am so proud of our children and leaders for the love of God they share. I am in prayer daily for you. I went to the doctors today with a painful cough and sore throat. I didn't need antibiotics but I was able to get cough medicine with codeine. Can you imagine? I try not to take this for granted. Those people you touch...It's really God touching them through you. How awesome is that! Stay well and strong in Christ as you do his work. Love, Shebbie and the family
